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Sourceree Insights

Sourceree's National Security and Supply Chain Risk Management Blog

What the Heck is Web 3.0?

In the ever-evolving world of technology, buzzwords are what define an era. We’ve seen the information superhighway, the world wide web, dot com startups, social media, the cloud,..

The Future of Military Readiness

Mission-critical transport equipment is inoperative, some others need maintenance, time is limited, and mission success is at stake. With precision timing Dale Smith—a motor..

Billions at Risk for Pennsylvania Companies with Ties to Ukraine - US Officials Warn Against Increased Cyber Attacks following Russian Invasion

The anxiety surrounding the Russian threat to Ukraine prompted the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to sound the alarm for businesses and agencies to..

Acquisition & Sustainment: 2020 Annual Report

This document aims to convey how A&S and the Department as a whole have successfully implemented the NDS over the last year and the measurable impact we have created, as..

Could Redefining U.S. Space Power Mitigate the Risk of Space Logistics Degradation by the Threat of Space Weaponization?

Unlike terrestrial logistics, space operations and the space environment's intricacies make logistics much more complex and demanding on supply chain management. In 2011 alone, 25..

Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World

During the next two decades, several global economic trends, including rising national debt, a more complex and fragmented trading environment, a shift in trade, and new..

Federal Agencies Need to Implement Recommendations to Manage Supply Chain Risks

The exploitation of ICT products and services through the supply chain is an emerging threat. ICT supply chain-related threats can be introduced in the manufacturing, assembly,..